Photo Galleries

Images from the Unveiling of the 2012 Poster Series

  • Susan Un, artist, and family. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Ericka Bortnick, artist, and Rosalyn Carroll, poet. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Victoria Taylor, artist. Photo by Dave Hicock.

  • Joan Sauro, poet, and Emily Ramon, artist. Photo: Hicock

  • E. Bortnick, artist, and R. Carroll, poet. Photo: Hicock.

  • Amie St. Amour, poet. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Cynthia Carter, guest. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Kathleen Perez, artist. Photo by J. Emmons.

  • Victoria Taylor, artist, and Bill Padgett, artist. Photo: Hicock

  • Glen Lewis, guest. Photo by J. Emmons.

  • Tom Navagh and George Newton of Better Than Bowling. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Sharon Allen and Paul Powers of Better Than Bowling. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Anna Rettberg, artist. Photo by Dave Hicock.

  • Jane Woodman, poet, and M. Spicer, artist. Photo: Hicock.

  • Wendy Bodnar, Seneca Federal Savings and Loan Association, and Bill Hess.

  • Guests. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Professor Roger DeMuth, Syracuse University. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Eric Rogers

    Eric Rogers, board member. Photo by Caitly Bom.

  • John Eberle, guest, and Linda DeFichy, board member. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Xiangjun Yan and Wenhui Li, interns from SU. Photo by J. Emmons.

  • Marissa Saunders, board member. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Jake Walker, artist, and Linda Liddiard, poet. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • William Burns, artist. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Anna Rettberg, artist. Photo by Caitlyn Bom.

  • Anna Rettberg, artist, and Michele Reed, poet. Photo by Dave Hicock.

  • Jim Emmons, Poster Project Coordinator, and Amabel Caba, artist. Photo: Dave Hicock.

  • Mollie Knopf and Lydia Hatch, SU interns. Photo by J. Emmons.

  • Andres Sanfeliu, artist. Photo by J. Emmonos.

  • Emanuel Carter, Doug Lee, Heather Carrington (board member), and Cynthia Carter. Photo by J. Emmons.

  • Tom Huff, poet. Photo by J. Emmons